Putnoe Property - Do you know the Facts and Figures?
Here at Belvoir, we can guide you to the right places. We can Help to identify property values and yields in Putnoe and other useful property related information, so you can make sure you get all the information you need about your future investments. Here are just a few property facts about Putnoe....
Looking at the MK41 postcode as a whole(of which Putnoe is a large Part). There are 529 streets, with 16656 homes, and less than a quarter of all those houses (2967 to be precise) have changed hands since 2010.
When compared against a national average compound annual growth rate (CAGR) over the last 5 years of 12.5%, the growth in this postcode district has been 16.1%. This could well be because this is a dynamic local economy and housing market. Property price growth in this area has significantly exceeded growth in earnings and the national average house price growth and so the likelihood of it continuing will be dependent upon price earnings ratio, as well as investment by developers and local authorities in continually upgrading local infrastructure, schools, in addition to the continued strength of the local and national economies and any other economies upon which the area depends
Over the last 3 months, the average property value for this postcode district has been £178676
The most commonly found type of housing in this area are Semi- Detached Houses, making up 36.2% of the housing stock
Flats account for the lowest percentage of the housing stock in this district, at only 9.9%
The majority of property in this area is owner occupied.
Since Jan 1995 The highest Turnover Street in Putnoe was Kimbolton Road with 146 Transactions with an Average Value of £526830.
The Most Expensive Street is Cleat Hill with an Average value of £764821. The Least Expensive being The Fairway at £101254.
This shows that there is a wide spectrum of Properties in Putnoe!
Compared to the national average - MK41 has 6% more detached houses, 8% more semi detached houses and 13% less flats. This is a good indicator that Putnoe is good place to buy property in.
If you would like more useful facts and figures pop in to see us at our offices.
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