Bad smells are big turn off.
Try to find out where it originates and treat the source!
Be it a Drain, Bin, Wash Basket or Rover's Bed, Clear, Clean or de-odourise.
Carpets can also be a source of the Smell, so Buy some Carpet De-odorizer.
Old Furniture can also smell. If it is with embedded stale smells/Cigarette Smoke get rid of it,
Wash any Bed Linen regularly to help keep that fresh too.
If you are a smoker, firstly get in the habit of Smoking Outside, but also Properly Ventilate the House to help remove any lingering smells.
I read once that placing bowls of vinegar around the house and leaving out for three or four days will help. Though the vinegar will smell a bit, when you open the windows it will quickly disappear, taking a most of the stale cigarette smell out with it.
On the other hand, pleasant Aroma's can help too.
Once you've eradicated the Bad Smells, replace them with some good Ones. Invest in some Air Fresheners, maybe even brew some Fresh Coffee too!
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